Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Is Jack Nicholson playing in the next superman movie

Jack Nicholson playing Lex Luthor in the next Superman movie. Maybe he'll be daddy Warbucks in a remark of Annie. Or perhaps he is going to the same hairstylist as Britney Spears. As host Ellen DeGeners walked onto the stage at the begining of Sunday Oscar, the camera found its way to an applauding Nicholson who appeared wearing his signature sunglasses and sporting a very non-signature shaved head.

Turns out the extreme hair cut was just devotion to craft. Nicholson and co-star Morgan Freeman are filming director Rod Reiner;s film, the Bucket list, a buddy comedy and drama about two terminally ill men who flee a cancer ward to complet a list of things they want to do before they die. It is scheduled for release in November.

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